Saturday, August 25, 2007

I have received 4 emails now that have my website address in the email name. If you receive an email with anyone else's name other than mine it is not from me. For example
I have contacted my hosting site and they say that they are just junk emails. I am afraid that people are receiving these with my company's name as junk mail.
This is very disturbing to me.
So, if you receive an email that isn't signed by me (not The Melissa Koehler Photography team) it isn't from me. In all my emails I usually sign my name and have a link to my website and blog.
If you have received an email like this that wasn't from me I am sorry. I had no idea! Please delete anything that doesn't have my name as the sender or is me). If this continues to be a problem I may change my email address.
I am sorry for the mix up and any incovvenience this may have caused.
It is very upsetting that people are sending out emails with my company name attached, very scary!
Anyway, I will have some new stuff to post soon!


Suzy ~ lorenzstudio said...

I have never received any emails from with a name other than yours.


don't you hate that kinda stuff. hope you don't have any more problems! can't wait for your new posts!

Unknown said...

yikes! hope that gets resolved soon!

Steven Kang said...

sorry to hear that. I hope that problem gets fixed soon.